Early Childhood Program
St. John XXIII Catholic School’s Early Childhood Program, serving 3, 4 and 5 year-olds and their families, has been in existence for almost 20 years. It provides a welcoming and nurturing environment that leads all children to become successful learners. Based on the Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards, the program is intentionally designed to pique our students’ natural curiosity and inclination to explore while taking differing levels of development fully into account. Through rich, appropriate play experiences involving fantasy, construction, role-based play, and multi-sensory experiences, children learn to be flexible thinkers and develop core social skills such as negotiation, collaboration, and empathy.
Moreover, our students are guided in developing their relationship with God, learning about the world, making friends, and building independence and leadership skills, resulting in a strong foundation of faith, intelligence, creativity, and social competence. In addition, our Early Childhood Program includes enrichment activities enabling students to engage in Music, Art, Spanish, Character Building, and Physical Education (PE).
Every SJ23 student has access to our experienced team of support staff who work in concert with our faculty to ensure each child’s individual needs are met. Indeed, we are deeply committed to developing the whole child – socially, emotionally, academically and spiritually. Please Click Here to review the Wisconsin Model – Early Learning Standards.
Our Passion | Their Future
St. John XXIII Catholic School’s Preschool Program (Pre-3) is specifically designed to provide an environment that seamlessly transitions your child from one developmental level to the next. The structured curriculum motivates and inspires children to learn, and the nurturing, family-centered environment gives our students the individual attention needed to instill self-confidence, social skills, and a feeling of security.
We offer a place where your child will be nurtured & where the values you teach at home will be reinforced.

Program Structure
- Licensed Early Childhood Teacher; plus full-time Educational Assistant
- Supplemental Curriculum: Physical Education, Music, Library, Art, and Spanish
- Wrap-Around Care: Available to SJ23 students in Pre-3 – 6th Grade
- Schedule:
- AM (Half-Day): 8:20-11:20 AM
- 3 Days (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)
- 3 Days (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
- 4 Days (Flexible Schedule)
- 5 Days (Monday-Friday)
- Full-Day: 8:20-3:30 PM
- 3 Days (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)
- 3 Days (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
- 4 Days (Flexible Schedule)
- 5 Days (Monday-Friday)
- AM (Half-Day): 8:20-11:20 AM
*This class is limited to 20 children per day
Home Away From Home
St. John XXIII Catholic School’s K4 Program builds on the basic skills learned at the preschool level. We incorporate developmentally appropriate activities that provide early learning experiences and skills that prepare your child for future success in school. By developing strong social skills and emotional security, a love of learning is encouraged and expanded.
The K4 Program further expands and enriches its curriculum by incorporating field trips and hands-on learning that complement current areas of exploration, as well as blends lifestyle skills with supplemental instruction. This results in a well-balanced program that prepares children for the Kindergarten level.

Program Structure
- Licensed Early Childhood Teacher; plus full-time Educational Assistant
- Five Day Program (Monday-Friday)
- AM (Half Day): 8:20-11:20 AM
- Full-Day Enrichment Program with SNAP integration: 8:20-3:30 PM
- Student Support: Social Emotional Coach on staff to provide character lessons twice a month exploring traits such as responsibility, kindness, courage, etc., as well as individual counseling services
- Supplemental Curriculum: Physical Education, Music, Library, Art and Spanish
- Mass: Students attend once per month
- Buddy Opportunities: Students will have “buddy opportunities” (readings, projects, etc.) with older students
- Wrap-Around Care: Available to SJ23 students in grades Pre-3-6th Grade
Wisconsin Parental Choice Program (WPCP) is a statewide private school voucher program, and allows students whose families meet certain income qualifications the ability to attend a participating private or religious school of their choice – tuition free. The open application period for the 2023-24 school year is February 1 – April 20, 2023. To set up a meeting with our principal to see if you qualify, please do so by emailing kklein@stjohn23rd.school or by calling 262-284-2682.
Creating Lifelong Learners
St. John XXIII Catholic School’s Kindergarten Program (K5) is the last step of a three-level program. It expands upon the K4 curriculum and nurtures skills needed to be successful in school. Our K5 program builds on previously learned skills and gradually prepares children for their elementary years. K5 blends academic readiness with creative exploration. We incorporate core academics, such as reading, math, science, and social studies with supplemental curriculum. We combine technology with traditional learning that helps your child to build a strong foundation to become a confident, lifelong learner and successful citizen in his or her community.

Program Structure
- Early Childhood Teacher; plus full-time Educational Assistant
- Core Academics: Reading, Writing, Religion, Science, Math, and Spanish
- Supplemental Curriculum: Physical Education, Music, Library, and Art
- Student Support: Social Emotional Coach on staff to provide character lessons twice a month exploring traits such as responsibility, kindness, courage, etc., as well as individual counseling services
- SMART Board and iPad technology instruction blended with traditional and hands-on learning
- Uniforms Required