SJ23’s rigorous, integrated, hands-on philosophy promotes differentiated instruction, encourages creative expression, promotes critical thinking, and provides students with the opportunity to obtain skills needed to be successful, compassionate learners for the future.

In partnership with parents, our administration, faculty, and staff provide a Christ-centered environment that stresses basic academic skills and competencies, as well as the arts, music, and technology. We pride ourselves in producing graduates who are well prepared to excel in any high school they choose.

If you have questions that cannot or have not been answered after reading through our FAQ, please contact us at any time.

Some of Our Most Asked Questions

If you can’t find your answer or have further questions, please contact us at any time!

It’s the middle of the school year. Can I still enroll my child(ren) at SJ23?

Yes. SJ23 welcomes families to apply throughout the year. Students of all races and ethnic backgrounds are welcome and encouraged to enroll. The enrollment process begins January 1st in the school year prior to enrollment; however, students may enroll at SJ23 on an ongoing basis, at any time.

Besides academics, what can my student(s) become involved with at SJ23?

Girls Volleyball, Boys Volleyball, Girls Basketball, Boys Basketball, and Extracurricular Clubs. We offer extracurricular clubs on Wednesdays after school.

2024-2025 Clubs Include: 3D Printing & Coding, Amazing Aspiring Artists, Bucket Drumming, Chess, Flag Football, LEGO Club, Sign Language, Soccer, Strategic Games, Volleyball, Watercolor Painting

How can I afford tuition?

– SJ23 offers a Welcome Discount, a one-time, 15% discount (per child), given to any first-time families attending St. John XXIII Catholic School.
– We offer tuition assistance to families who find meeting tuition expenses for their child or children a financial challenge. Families who apply for tuition assistance are able to meet with our Principal and negotiate tuition payments through this program. A dedicated fund has been established to assist families interested in giving their child or children the gift of Catholic education.
– Through the Lawrence N. Stern and Mary Jane Stern Scholarship, we have $80,000 to award families that apply. The application deadline is May for the following school year.
– In 2013, the Wisconsin Legislature approved a state budget bill (2013 Wisconsin Act 20), which established a tax deduction credit for private school tuition. Parents with dependent children in a private school are now able to receive a tax deduction for tuition.

The public school offers a lot of great electives for students. Does SJ23 have electives?

Yes. We offer different electives each school year for students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. Click Here to learn more!

I need help with child care before school. Do you have child care I can participate in?

Yes. Before and after school Wrap-Around Care is available to all registered SJ23 preschool through 6th grade students on all regular, early dismissal, and in-service school days. This program is an extension of our classrooms and reflects the values of our faith in a warm, supportive, family atmosphere. We aim to enhance and support the emotional, social, and academic goals of our students. Wrap-Around Program Hours: Monday-Friday (6:30am-6:00pm)

What is the dress code at your school?

SJ23 participates in a school uniform program. Please refer to our Parent Student Handbook to learn more about our uniform policy. When you buy uniform items from Lands End, the school benefits from a percentage of your order. You may also shop at any retailer that sells uniform apparel (Kohls, Walmart, Target, etc.), as well as participate in our uniform exchange program. Spirit Wear is also available at different times throughout the year. Keep an eye out for dates and the links to purchase t-shirts, hats, sweatshirts, and more!