Faculty & Staff
St. John XXIII Catholic School (SJ23) provides a foundation of Catholic values and academic excellence for its students in preschool through 8th grade. Our faculty and staff are dedicated to building a strong academic, social, emotional, and spiritual foundation for our students.
SJ23’s teachers actively engage and inspire diverse learning styles so every student reaches his or her potential while at SJ23 and beyond. We are growing as saints together through service, excellence, discipleship, and community.
Communication Policy
All faculty and staff email addresses are for school communication only. Parents with concerns are encouraged to first contact their child’s teacher through the school office or email. Faculty members are required to check their email once per day and to acknowledge receipt of an email within three working days. All teachers may also be reached through the School Office: 262-284-2682
Early Childhood Program

Elementary School

Middle School

Mrs. Christy Davel
