Upcoming Events

CLICK HERE FOR THE 2024-2025-School-Year-Calendar

St. John XXIII Catholic School is able to offer several family events because of our dedicated parent base. SJ23 parents, in conjunction with parish and alumni volunteers, organize and run all of our school fundraising events that are so vital to a thriving school environment. Funds raised from these programs help offset operating expenses, keep tuition rates manageable, and support our wonderful student, faculty, and family programs.

Consider volunteering and sharing your talents and make some great friends along the way. Every family is asked to volunteer throughout the school year and support our fundraising programs. Volunteerism is the heart of our vibrant and enthusiastic family community. We appreciate the time and efforts of our parent, parish, and alumni volunteers! The Parent Teacher Organization meets on a monthly basis, and all parents are invited to attend.

Please mark your calendars for these upcoming events: