Family Zoo Pass

EXCITING NEWS! School families are now able to reserve a Milwaukee Zoo Pass through the School Office (Two Passes Available). To see if a Zoo Pass is available, please see the Google School Calendar.

šŸÆ Passes are on a first-come, first-served basis, and can be checked out two days at a time.

šŸ¦ Pass must be returned the next school day (or the Monday if itā€™s reserved over the weekend)

šŸ» Pass includes Five Admission Tickets & Parking, 10% discount at the Gift Shop, discounts on expeditions and the Sky Adventure Ropes Course

šŸ¦‹ To Reserve a Zoo Pass, please contact the School Office.

Honoring Our Legacy

Our status as one of the finest schools in Ozaukee County is a testament to the dedication of our alumni, families, faculty, and staff. We proudly build upon the strong legacy that these teachers have helped to establish, and we are committed to honoring their remarkable dedication to our mission. Not only have they made significant contributions to our school, but their unwavering commitment and service to our community is truly deserving of recognition. Please help us congratulate Mrs. Krier (45 years), Mrs. Jentges (45 years), Mrs. Miller/McAffee (35 years), and Miss Lisa (35 years)! We are so grateful and extremely blessed to have them here at SJ23!

2024 Fall Fest

Back to School Night

Meet your new teacher(s) and visit the classrooms. Be sure to stop in the School Office on your way in for the Back to School Store and family packet!

Your opportunity to ask questions and for the student(s) to learn more about their Middle School experience.

Homeroom Teachers will be reaching out to each class with your team color. This is a great opportunity to meet new parents & students, and have some fun!
*Pre-3, K4 & K5 students will play Sharks & Minnows

Enjoy a Shaved Ice experience with your family…ON US!

New Principal of SJ23

St. John XXIII Catholic Parish is pleased to announce the hiring of Mrs. Marie Lippe to serve as the next Principal of St. John XXIII Catholic School. Effective July 1, 2024, Mrs. Lippe will be succeeding Mrs. Kristine Klein who has accepted an offer to become the Middle School Principal of the Notre Dame School of Milwaukee.

While the principal role will be new to Mrs. Lippe, she is very familiar with St. John XXIII Catholic School having served as a teacher there from August 2015 through June 2023. This past year she has been a Professor of Education at Concordia University Wisconsin, but with Mrs. Kleinā€™s resignation, she felt called to return to St. John XXIII to take on an even greater leadership role.

Mrs. Lippe brings a wealth of early childhood, elementary, and middle level educational experience to the table, having served as a pre-school, kindergarten, 1st grade, and 4th grade teacher, along with teaching 5th through 8th grade English language arts. Moreover, she served as St. John XXIII Catholic Schoolā€™s Dean of Students from 2017 through 2023. In addition, she has extensive experience as a literacy coach and new teacher mentor.

An accomplished teacher in her own right, Mrs. Lippe earned her Bachelorā€™s Degree in Education through Concordia University Wisconsin in 1998, and then her Masterā€™s Degree in Curriculum and Instruction in 2012, also at Concordia. Since then she has furthered her professional development through conferences at the local, state, regional, and national levels, with a particular focus on reading and writing instruction, literacy coaching, and professional learning communities.

As the new St. John XXIII Catholic School Principal, Mrs. Lippe is sure to benefit from the strong foundation built by Mrs. Klein who, through her nine-year principal tenure, has returned St. John XXIII Catholic School to fully accredited status, united formerly separate elementary and middle school programs onto one campus, enabled the St. John XXIII Catholic School community to successfully meet the extraordinary challenges brought on by the pandemic, and stemmed a longstanding decline in enrollment that is now on the verge of reaching 200.

In reflecting on this significant change in school leadership, Fr. Patrick Wendt, long-time Pastor of St. John XXIII Catholic Parish, is grateful for Mrs. Kleinā€™s service and wishes her well in her new principal role, and looks forward to having Mrs. Lippe further advance the learning interests of the St. John XXIII Catholic School community for many years to come.

The Phoenix Award

Parent Bloody Mary Bar

WHEN: August 27, 2024 | 8:30 AM – Whenever reality begins!

WHERE: Fork & Tap | Port Washington

WHO: All are invited to attend! No need to RSVP…just show up and help spread the word!

WHAT: 15% of the proceeds will benefit SJ23!

WHY: Summer Break will be over & the kids are going BACK TO SCHOOL!

Sunday Fun-Day


Our Parent Teacher Organization is so excited to bring this opportunity to our community on the 2nd Saturday each month!

September 14, 2024
October 12, 2024
November 9, 2024
December 14, 2024

EVERYONE is welcome to join!
Food & beverages will be available for purchase.

Speak Up Speak Out

Speak Up Speak Out is a confidential resource created by the Wisconsin Department of Justice for students and parents who have school safety concerns. If you or someone you know needs help, is in danger, or has a school safety concern, you can submit a tip confidentially to Speak Up Speak Out.

Resource Center staff are available 24/7. Any tips submitted will be communicated appropriately to law enforcement, school administrators, or counselors. Tips can be submitted via the Speak Up Speak Out website, by calling 1-800-MY-SUSO-1(1-800-697-8761), or by texting 738477. For more information or to submit a tip, click here.