Parent Teacher Organization
SJ23 is renowned in the community for its excellence in academic achievement and the exceptional educational experience our students enjoy. The high level of involvement from the families of our students helps to make this possible. Our Parent Teacher Organization, previously known as Home & School Association, is a dedicated, parent-run group, works to support our school in countless ways. This group is passionate about our school, and the entire school community benefits greatly. We are so grateful for the number of volunteers that put forth their time and talent to make our school events possible. Our partnership with our parent volunteers makes our school such a great place to be…and we want it to continue in that direction! They help to coordinate the majority of our family and student enrichment programs, teacher appreciation events, parent events, school clubs, and fundraising.
SJ23 parents, in conjunction with parish and alumni volunteers, also organize and run all of our school fundraising events that are so vital to a thriving school environment. Many parents are needed to successfully run events. Funds raised from these programs help offset operating expenses, keep tuition rates manageable, and support our wonderful student, faculty, and family programs. Although these events are called “fundraisers,” they are so much more. They are fun events that build family, community, and friendships.
Consider volunteering and sharing your talents and make some great friends along the way. Every family is asked to volunteer throughout the school year and support our fundraising programs. Volunteerism is the heart of our vibrant and enthusiastic family community. We appreciate the time and efforts of our parent, parish, and alumni volunteers! The Parent Teacher Organization meets throughout the school year and all parents are invited to attend.
To use your God-Given talents at SJ23 and learn more about the Parent Teacher Organization, please call 262-284-2682 or click here.
Get Involved | Monthly Meetings
The Parent Teacher Organization meets on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 6:30 PM. We encourage all parents to attend!
Parent Teacher Organization Members
Bill Lundgren | President
Erin Stokes | Treasurer
Sara Gigot | Secretary
Sign-Up Links